Crumb catcher, soup strainer, chin whiskers, chops – whatever you call the moustaches and beards that sprout up during the month of November, you can be sure that someone at UBC has sported the style.

Known as Movember, people around the world grow moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness and fundraise for men’s health issues such as depression and prostate cancer. In celebration of UBC’s centennial and the incredible fundraising that goes on as a part of Movember, we decided to look back on the history of facial hair at UBC.
Click here to see a photo gallery of facial hair at UBC.
In recent years, UBC researchers have received more than $3 million from the Movember campaign. The funding supports mental health programs like the Men’s Depression and Suicide Network and a project to provide Aboriginal men in prison with meaningful work to design and build items for underprivileged children.
In 2014, the Man/Art/Action project received funding to create a theatre production about the challenges veterans face when they return home from deployment. The play, Contact! Unload was created and performed by veterans and will be presented at UBC on Wednesday, November 4. Tickets and information are available here.
Last year, 395 people at UBC raised more than $50,000 for the Movember campaign. To register for this year’s campaign, go to