I’m a professional w/ 30+ years of work experience: Education (SD#36/69/70, Christian/Jewish schools, UK), Realtor (RE/MAX/Sutton/Gilco, BC – FVREB/VIREB) Mgmt Consultant (A+, Ehplus, HPS, IPA-IBA, U.Calgary MBA Consulting Alliance, Albi Homes), IT Network Admin/IT Dept Head (SPA, SD#52). Past roles: CEO/Director of Fin+Ed (HLDFN, Tl’azt’en Nation), Treasurer (Brittany Lane Strata Council/U.Vic EdSA), Mktg Manager (Alpha Trade/Alt. Med. Research Instit), A.Manager: Moore’s Clothing 4 Men.????????????

Story submitted by
Sukh (Steven) Gill, B.Ed.
Port Alberni, BC, Canada
Graduated 1994, B.Admin
Sauder School of Business